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Monday, June 28, 2021

While fresh peas are still available, try Parsley Pea Pasta - Houston Chronicle

Whenever someone in our home gets a pasta craving, we stop by a small neighborhood shop called Fabio’s that makes its own pasta. I’ve bought lasagna sheets, macaroni and all kinds of fresh pasta there over the years. When we were doing an Indian Italian mash up type pasta dish at the Bake Lab, we used their penne pasta.

Lately, Fabio’s has had a wonderful new pasta simply called “short egg pasta” — it looks like a cross between penne and fusilli. I love the way sauce or cheese cling to the hollow and the curved parts of the pasta like no other pasta I’ve cooked with. I like to cook pasta until it’s cooked all the way, not al dente.

Given that fresh peas are still in season and available at local grocery stores, here is a masala of sorts made with fennel seeds, parsley, garlic, olive oil and peas. Feel free to substitute the herb of your choice; basil or cilantro or a combination of the two will taste just as delicious, if not more. If you do cook the pasta all the way, the masala will sneak into the nooks and crevices. Serrano pepper adds a crisp heat, but feel free to leave it out.

Parsley Pea Pasta

1 pound fresh “short egg pasta” (radiatore) from Fabio’s or fusilli, cooked according to instructions

1 bunch flat leaf parsley

¼ cup olive oil

2 teaspoons fennel seeds

1 tablespoon minced garlic

1 cup fresh peas

1 serrano pepper, sliced

1 teaspoon sea salt

Juice from 2 lemons

1 cup Pecorino Romano cheese, grated (optional)

½ cup toasted pine nuts

Few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil for drizzling on top

Instructions: Discard the bottom two inches of the parsley stems and roughly chop the remaining.

In a small frying pan over high heat, warm up the olive oil until it is shimmering and pop the fennel seeds. Immediately turn the heat down, take the pan off the heat, add the garlic, and cook it until it turns white, which usually take 2 to 3 seconds. Add the peas, serrano, salt and 1 cup of water. Bring to a boil then turn the heat off. Let the mixture rest for 10 to 15 minutes.

In a food processor or blender, mix the pea mixture with parsley and juice from 2 lemons.

Combine the pea masala with warm, cooked pasta — add a few tablespoons of water if needed to bring the whole mixture together.

Serve with grated Pecorino, pine nuts and a final drizzle of extra virgin olive oil

Notes & variations

• For a plant-based version, add toasted chopped cashews on top instead of cheese.

• This recipe was finished with Entimio single origin Vivace olive oil, imported by a Houston aficionado.

• Frozen peas can easily substitute fresh however, it will require even less cooking time.

Serves 4 to 6

From Anita Jaisinghani

Anita Jaisinghani is the chef-owner of Pondicheri restaurant in Houston. Her website is Her first cookbook, “Masala” (Ten Speed Press), will publish in 2022. Email:

The Link Lonk

June 29, 2021 at 03:09AM

While fresh peas are still available, try Parsley Pea Pasta - Houston Chronicle

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