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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Herman: Pie. Mermaids. The Holocaust. And the sovereign nation of Texas. - Austin American-Statesman
Ken Herman   | Austin American-Statesman

I have a legislative update today on four topics I don’t believe ever have been the subject of a single legislative update.

One serious. Two whimsical. One dangerously wacky.

The Holocaust. Pie. Mermaids. Secession.

The serious topic involved serious allegations of mismanagement at a state agency, the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission, which has a serious mission and now is the subject of the Texas Sunset Commission’s staff most serious recommendation: abolition.

As I recently reported, the Sunset Commission staff’s review of the THGC concluded the agency, legislatively established in 2009, “has exceeded its statutory authority, neglected certain duties and cannot show any measurable benefit to the state."

The report also included serious questions about THGC spending. It should be noted that the Sunset staff rarely recommends getting rid of an agency. More commonly, the reports detail recommended improvements to be made legislatively.

The next step in the process happened Monday when the Sunset Commission, which includes 10 legislators and two public members, heard from the staff and from THGC officials. A commission vote is set for Jan. 13. That recommendation will go to the 2021 Legislature for action.

Merrell Foote, who led the Sunset staff review of THGC, reiterated the findings.

“The review found the (THGC) has exceeded its limited advisory authority, has failed to perform several statutory duties, has cost taxpayers far more than originally expected and cannot show any measurable, educational outcomes or benefits from its use of general revenue,” she said.

THGC officials acknowledged problems and said they were eager for improvement.

“We take seriously what the Sunset Commission staff has said about us,” THGC Chair Lynne Aronoff of Houston said.

THGC Executive Director Joy Nathan detailed the agency’s important educational mission and acknowledged “missteps rightfully pointed out” in the Sunset staff report.

“The (THGC) acknowledges its imperfections and has begun to take proactive steps to make sure that our mission-driven goals and statutory objectives are achieved,” Nathan said.

That’s a good start. And so was the input from Rep. Craig Goldman, R-Fort Worth, a Sunset Commission member, who said the staff report has generated a lot of feedback.

“I want to say publicly what I've been telling so many people privately,” he said. “As long as I am here, and I know many of my colleagues join me in this, this commission is not going to be abolished. And so we're going to work to get y'all back on track. Obviously the original intent of the statute passed in 2009 has taken you off track a little bit.”

Off track, indeed. But such an important educational track. I’m hoping, and predicting, the Legislature will be able to get this agency straightened out. Sure looks doable.

Now on to two bits of legislative whimsy prior to wrapping up with one of lunacy-driven weirdness. The whimsy is courtesy of Rep. Erin Zwiener, D-Driftwood, who, on Monday, filed House Concurrent Resolutions 12 and 13.

HCR12, if approved, would designate Kyle as the official Pie Capital of Texas for 10 years. I like pie. I was unaware of pie as a thing in Kyle. I am unaware of lots of things.

“Whereas,” HCR12 informs us, “in recent years, the Central Texas community of Kyle has begun to garner attention as the Lone Star State’s premier source of delicious pies.”

Also, “Whereas, whether it's pecan pie, apple pie, blueberry pie, or pot pie, a pie is an occasion for celebration and delight, and the people of Kyle are making this beloved dish a special focus of their identity as a community.”

(Probably unrelated to any of the above-listed pies, Zwiener also has filed House Bill 441 concerning marijuana penalties. And the Pie Capital resolution is not be be confused with the 2013 legislation — “Whereas, though there are many ways to enjoy pecans, it is practically a given among Texans that they belong, first and foremost, in a pie”  — that made pecan the official state pie.)

Now, mermaids, via Zwiener’s HCR13 (and let’s pause here to note that, yes, Zwiener also has filed important legislation and, no, legislative consideration of pie and mermaids will not prevent legislative consideration of more pressing issues and, yes, I like whimsical legislation):

“Whereas, for thousands of years, the mermaid has been one of the most striking symbols of humanity’s connection with the natural world, and over the past century, this legendary figure has come to represent the city of San Marcos and its special relationship to the water resources of Central Texas.”

Mermaids? San Marcos? If you’ve been around here for some time you get it. New around here? Google “Aquareena Springs” and “mermaids.”

HCR 13 reminds us that that water-centric amusement park was where “young women known as ‘aquamaids’ staged exhibitions of synchronized swimming and underwater ballet” until Aquareena Springs closed in the 1990s. Zwiener also reminds us that the Mermaid Society of Texas, established in 2016, holds an annual SPLASH festival and works to “foster harmony between environmental sustainability, the arts and economic growth.”

Reason enough, she says, for San Marcos to become the official Mermaid Capital of Texas. Other nominees anybody?

Last thing, and it's a preposterous thing (which means legislative OK is not entirely out of the question) is from a fringe group that’s been fringing around for many years. Once again, we have the push for the state of Texas to again become the nation of Texas.

Some people are deadly serious about this nonsense, including the Texas Nationalist Movement that's now found a sponsor for secession referendum legislation. He's Rep. Kyle Biedermann, R-Fredericksburg, and he thinks many Texans have had about enough of this United States stuff.

He said so in a Tuesday statement:

“The federal government is out of control and does not represent the values of Texans. That is why I am committing to file legislation this session that will allow a referendum to give Texans a vote for the State of Texas to reassert its status as an independent nation."

Secession! Really? Ugh.

I've always found only one real upside to that. Nationhood would give the Texas Longhorns footballers a better chance of a top five national finish.

Yes, the Legislature has time to deliberate pie and mermaids. But any split second spent considering secession would be an enormous waste .

And, oh, one more thing. Post-Jan. 20, 2021, I’ll be even far less amenable to secession that I’ve been since Jan. 20, 2017.

The Link Lonk

December 09, 2020 at 03:48AM

Herman: Pie. Mermaids. The Holocaust. And the sovereign nation of Texas. - Austin American-Statesman

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